Health and Children’s Books from WEAVE
Since the health materials are intended to support the health education work of local health Educators/ service providers who have very minimal to no funds to produce relevant health materials,…
HELP EDUCATE: CHILDREN FROM BURMA CHILDREN’s BOOKS 1. Mi Mi’s Father Child ( price 60 THB.) Culturally, children in Burma have a closer mother-child relationshipand this book shows what an…
Mother and Child: The First Five Years
WEAVE’s Publication and Resource Development team is responsible for publishing materials in the form of books, leaflets and posters concerning Women’s Health, Education and Early Childhood Development.
Book Release: Where Women Have No Doctor
In partnership with the Hesperian Foundation, WEAVE released the first adapted Burmese version of the internationally renowned health handbook, Where Women Have No Doctor. This women’s health resource guide has been published in numerous languages. WEAVE is proud to have been able to contribute to such a valuable resource especially for Burmese health workers and the communities of women who have little or no access to healthcare.