Girls & Women's Education

WEAVE works with the Women Study Program (WSP) in Karenni Site 1 to build the capacity of Karenni young girls and women to learn a 10 months course on Women Issues and Development, Peace Education and Conflict Transformation and Community Development. These WSP students then extend community education and economic self-sufficiency projects to over 1,500 women in the refugee camp.
In addition, WEAVE also collaborates with the Karenni Further Studies Program (KnFSP), a youth led education program in Karenni Site 2 that educates over 50 refugee students for 2 years. The picture below presents the KnFSP’s 4th graduation, with 18 graduates, of which 50% were young girls.
Two out of three children not attending school are girls. Yet educating girls is the single most effective means of reducing poverty and key to empowering women. Providing girls and young women access to school leads to lower child and maternal mortality rates and increase female participation in economic and political decision-making. WEAVE believes that the ability of women to make choices in their lives and their ability to negotiate their positions and relationships and claim their rights within the family, household and community within the context in which they function are manifestations of empowerment. WEAVE promotes gender equity in education and support community initiatives that protects and promote status of girls and young women.