Quality Education

The childhood educations projects provide technical and financial assistance to over 4,500 pre-school children in over 50 nursery schools managed by ethnic Burmese women’s organizations inside and outside of the refugee camps. The overall objective of these projects is to ensure that displaced Burmese children from the ages of 2.8 to 6 have access to quality early childhood programs which provide the foundations to develop their physical, emotional, intellectual and creative potentials. Capacity building to trainers is also provided so they can teach parents about child care and development, children’s rights, special education and teaching techniques– just to name a few.
Highly-motivated, well-trained and professionally-supported local community teachers are fundamental in the efficient management of effective formal and non-formal education system. WEAVE helps to improve the implementation of a mother tongue based multilingual education starting from early childhood to community education through enhanced teacher training, curriculum development, and local policy making. Locally trained community teachers are often undervalued and poorly remunerated, therefore, we assist and link them with relevant support groups to improve their situation and advocate better conditions.

Read more about WEAVE’s children’s education and the application of Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) by clicking the icon below.