October E-Newsletter – Now Online
- On Oct. 21-23, 2009, the Income-Generation Group (IGP) had a very productive 3 day-workshop which discussed on the current IGP studies and proposed business planning in Mae Sot. It was attended by all the MS staff such as Dawa, Cynthia, Kaw-kaw, Kid and See as well as Mitos, Aunty Nancy, Nikos and Jovy.
- The 5 day-Project Cycle Management organized by the Education and Training team was successfully conducted on October 27 to 31, 2009 in Mae Sot. It was attended by Dawa, Cynthia, Aunty Nancy, Nang Hseng, Fuji, Dina, Say Meh, Choe Khu and other members from the partner organizations.